Bitteroot Fishing Report – 3/14



*FWP will be shocking fish in Stevi to Florence today, March 14*

The Bitterroot has stabilized at 1000 cfs at Bell Crossing.  The clarity is good. The skwala’s are still pretty dormant but the fish are still looking up. For top water patterns use a rogue skwala, bullet head skwala, Amy’s ant, flush floater, or a Fat boy. The march browns have started to make an appearance as well. For the March browns use a size 14 or 16 parachute adams or parachute pheasant tail for your best luck. It’ll take till mid afternoon for it to warm up.Start out fishing sub surface. Underneath use pheasant tails, olive double beaded stones, skwala nymphs, Pat’s rubber legs, Hare’s ear flash backs, and micro stones.

HATCHES/Flies: Midges, March Browns, BWO, Skwalas Check out the new Intruder boot here

Buy yours at The Kingfisher online store