Bitteroot Fishing Report – 3/31



The Bitteroot had a little bump in flows, but has been fishing very well. The fish are really starting to key in on skwalas. March browns should be popping any day now. March brown nymphs, San Juans, and skwala nymphs have been the ticket for subsurface. The flow just above town is just under 4240 cfs and the clarity is a little dirty. Focus on working side channels and walking pace water. Remember to have long drifts with more mending rather that picking up and recasting.

double dutch bugs, flush floater skwalas, royal chubbies, Amy’s ants in olive, and foamulators are all good choices for skwalas. Underneath use pheasant tails, mighty mays, San Juan worms, amber princes, Pat’s rubber legs, jigstones, and hare’s ear nymphs. Streamers have been working well in the down time between hatches with flash fries, sparkle minnows, bighorn buggers, sculpzillas, and sex dungeons. The streamers have been fishing best with short strips off the banks. Get out and enjoy the weather!



HATCHES/Flies: Midges, skwalas, march browns, baetis, grey drakes A Review of the Winston Fly Rod

For more info on the Winston Nexus