Bitteroot Fishing Report – 4/14



The Bitteroot has been dropping from the cooler weather we have been having. During the heat of the day the dry fly fishing has been really good. Skwalas and nemouras are still the name of the game. Seeing a few March browns and baetis around, but not a ton of mayfly action quite yet. The mayflies should show up any day now.

Double dutch bugs, flush floater skwalas, royal chubbies, olive chubbies, Amy’s ants in olive, and bugmeisters are all good choices for skwalas. For nemouras just sharpie up your smallest skwala pattern and you will be good. Underneath use pheasant tails, pearl green lightning bugs, San Juan worms, amber princes, Pat’s rubber legs, jigstones, and hare’s ear nymphs. Streamers have been working well in the down time between hatches with Aztec streamers , sparkle minnows, bighorn buggers, sculpzillas, and sex dungeons. The streamers have been fishing best with short strips off the banks.



HATCHES/Flies: Midges, skwalas, march browns, baetis, grey drakes A Review of the Winston Fly Rod

For more info on the Winston Nexus