Bitteroot Fishing Report – 4/2


We are starting to see more and more bugs every day.  The baetis hatch has been coming off in a big way. You can find fish chowing baetis and midges in back eddies and tail-outs. Fish a foam emerger, smoke jumper baetis, or a thorax BWO. Fishing sqwalas tight to the banks has been a good option too. For sqwalas try a flush floater, low-rider, fatboy, or even just a royal chubbie. Putting on a dropper will keep you entertained in between the sqwala eats. Fish a crown jewel, jigstone, micro san juan, or a rubberleg for a dropper. Do not be afraid to try something different if your behind the parade of boats. Fishing a big march brown is a well played strategy.


HATCHES/Flies: Midges, skwalas, march browns, baetis For more information visit Simm’s webpage

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