Bitteroot Fishing Report – 4/21



The Bitteroot has been slowly on the rise, but is fishing lights out. The March browns and baetis have been out and about every afternoon for the last week. During the heat of the day you can find fish sipping mayflies in the slower water. We are also seeing skwalas all over the place and the fish are still eating them just fine. This should be a good weekend on the root. Try not to get caught up in the boat race and just take your time. Also, be respectful of other folks on the river. At the end of the day its just fishing. Have a fun weekend!

Double dutch bugs, flush floater skwalas, royal chubbies, olive chubbies, Amy’s ants in olive, and bugmeisters are all good choices for skwalas. D&D March brown cripples, rusty spinners, Flick’s March brown, mimic may March browns, and parachute pheasant tails are what you need for March browns. For baetis use thorax BWO’s, Wilcox’s micro mays, smoke jumper baetis, and olive parachutes. Underneath use pheasant tails, pearl green lightning bugs, San Juan worms, amber princes, Pat’s rubber legs, jigstones, and hare’s ear nymphs. Streamers have been working well in the down time between hatches with Aztec streamers , sparkle minnows, bighorn buggers, sculpzillas, and sex dungeons. The streamers have been fishing best with short strips off the banks.



HATCHES/Flies: Midges, skwalas, march browns, baetis, grey drakes A Review of the Winston Fly Rod

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