Bitterroot Fishing Report – 10/7



“Why am I thus scared by fearful visions of the night? O Earth, dread queen, mother of dreams that flit on sable wings!”

This warm October push should amount to a trico resurgence, and this is a good thing for those of you who like fishing the tinies. Mahoganies are a great bet. The terrestrial bite is starting to fade, but it wouldn’t be the strangest thing to turn a few fish on hoppers this time of year. Nymph droppers are a sure-fire way to catch some fish. Try some streamers out too, the reports have been good. We’re looking at 70-degree weather for the next week.


Weekend Fishing Tunes: Free Throw, Lavender Town

These guys played the show on Saturday at the ZACC, and they played a really awesome set. Find them on Bandcamp here:




HATCHES/Flies: Hecubas, tricos, mahoganies, caddis, hoppers, BWOs. Dark, heavy nymphs for subsurface. JJ’s specials, articulated streamers, bead-head woolly buggers.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The Kingfisher ~ the largest dealer of Simms Fishing Products in the Rocky Mountain West! A Review of the Winston Fly Rod For more info on the Winston Nexus Fly Rod