Bitterroot Fishing Report – 4/5




The ‘root continues to fish very well these days, just ask the grumpy crew floating next to you!  While the days of lonely early season fishing on the Bitterroot have long since passed, the quality fishing still remains if you don’t mind some company.  It’ll pay even more, now, to work a bit harder to hit areas which most of the boats or wade anglers either miss or opt out of due to hikes or aggressive rowing.  Show your bugs to fish that have seen less of ’em and fish offbeat patterns that fish that’ve seen a lot of bugs have yet to see.  This will up your odds considerably.   If you’re wading, fish up from the access in the mornings and down from them once midday has passed.  This will effectively remove you from the vast majority of boat traffic.


HATCHES/Flies: Midges, skwalas, a few March browns and some blue wings. A Review of the Winston Fly Rod For more info on the Winston Nexus Fly Rod