Bitterroot Fishing Report – 5/2

A Review of the Simms Montana Wool Core Crewneck

no-tellum creek


As far as a spike in flow goes, the Bitterroot has seen a pretty good one over the last two days.  With the cooler days and nights it has already started to stabilize and should drop a little before we get more warm weather.  The flow just above town is hanging at 3850cfs with marginal clarity.  With the flows as high as they are, the main channel is much more of a boaters game right now.  The back and side channels should offer some refuge to you wade fisherman looking to get out this weekend though.  Fishing streamers and tandem nymph rigs will be your best bet, but the side cahnnels should offer better chances at finding some dry fly fishing today.  For subsurface patterns use a pheasant tail, Egg pattern, San Juan worm, Double beaded stone, Pat’s rubber leg, Red fox squirrel, or a  hares ear nymph. For streamers use flash fries, sparkle minnows, yellow yummies, sculpzillas, and mouthwashes. You may still see some March browns, drakes, and skwalas popping on top, so be prepared just in case with some top water bugs.



HATCHES/Flies: Midges, skwalas, a few March browns and some blue wings. A Review of the Winston Fly Rod For more info on the Winston Nexus Fly Rod