Water temps are falling dramatically on all the local rivers and for the most part, subsurface will be the deal – at least on the Blackfoot. In addition to having to spend much more time underneath to get hooked up, your tactics there need to change a bit too. As water temps fall below about 42 or 43 degrees, the willingness of the fish to move for your junk drops off considerably. Not many fatties will be willing to move that far to eat much less chase fast moving streamers, soft hackles, etc. Keep your nymphs and streamers deep and slow. You will generally get an hour or two midday when you may see or coax up some risers to BWOs or midges, but by and large, subsurface will be the deal. Don’t discount, on the Blackfoot anyway, that giant yellow stimi. For whatever reason, (maybe the nocturnal stones, who knows), these bugs in a size 6 or 8 will motivate midday dryfly strikes more often than not during late season doldrums.