The first day of sun definitely knocked back the fishing a bit although subsurface it was still pretty good. Yesterday was considerably better on top with big attractor/dropper stuff, salmonflies midriver and higher and then with caddis in the evening. Look for more of the same in the dropping flows and summer daytime temps. From the canyon down even past midriver, the salmonflies are everywhere. Giant goldens, PMDs and caddis will all have the fish looking today. Yellow, chartreuse and peach colored streamers will also do well in today’s post run-off conditions. Look for ants and hoppers to become a serious focus for the fatties in the next 2 weeks after the impending cool down.
1/2 OFF Fridays. 50% Off your 1st dozen nymphs and dries! Every Friday – Every Week
HATCHES: caddis, PMDs, yellow sallies, salmonflies mid and upper river, drakes, hoppers, lots of stuff starting now . . .
PATTERNS: Salmonflies of all kinds, golden stones in sizes 6 to 14, whitlock sculpines in black. Attractor stuff in a size 8 or 10, elk hair or other caddis in a 12 or 14. Red or pink San Jaun worms in tandem with size 12 or 14 hare’s ear nymphs.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: You did know that the Kingfisher is the largest dealer of Simms in the Rocky Mountains didn’t you?