Clarity and insanely good fishing has returned to the Blackfoot! The fish are still looking for salmonflies mid river and higher on the warm and sunny days. In the clouds, green drake type stuff that can encompass everything from royal Wulffs in a 10 to more exacting comparaduns will motivate strikes. Leggy, twitched attractors like orange stimulators, tarantulas, big caddis, etc. will have fish chasing. The streamer fishing has turned on in a big way too and tandem nymph rigs of double size 14 p-tails is like cheating. Take advantage of hitting the lower river for BIG fish while you can, it won’t be long before this section is sacrificed to the conservation license, fishing access permit free – tubers. If the police aren’t allowed to go into Jonsrud alone during the summer, you know YOU shouldn’t.
1/2 OFF Fridays. 50% Off your 1st dozen nymphs and dries! Every Friday – Every Week
HATCHES: caddis, PMDs, yellow sallies, salmonflies mid and upper river, drakes, hoppers, lots of stuff starting now . . .
PATTERNS: Salmonflies of all kinds, golden stones in sizes 6 to 14, whitlock sculpines in black. Attractor stuff in a size 8 or 10, elk hair or other caddis in a 12 or 14. Double p-tail nymph rigs.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: You did know that the Kingfisher is the largest dealer of Simms in the Rocky Mountains didn’t you?