Oh yeah, today’s going to be GOOD on the Blackfoot! The smoke induced cloud cover will keep bigger fish on the move towards the surface today and will also increase your streamer success pretty dramatically. While this river always fishes well in the sun for lots of smaller fish and a few big ones in the mix, stretches of cloud in the midst of heat generally motivates the fatties. Spruce moths are still the go-to bug at this point but PMDs carefully presented will make some noise for you today too. You should have to deal with substantially fewer Firestone lemmings today as well. Hopper/ant dropper rigs have also been very effective, especially on the mid river sections between about County Line and River Bend.
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HATCHES: caddis, PMDs, yellow sallies, hoppers and spruce moths – terrestrials in general
PATTERNS: golden stones in sizes 12 to 14. Attractor stuff in a size 8 or 10, elk hair or other caddis in a 12 or 14. Batman/ p-tail or red San Juan nymph rigs.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: If you’re heading up the Blackfoot, you’ll have company these days, even hitting the water at daybreak.