Hoppers and spruce moths are still the go-to bugs at this point although the caddis are hugely relevant towards the end of the day. Red attractor type stuff like tarantulas, royal stimis and red bodied PMXs will work too. Hopper/ant or p-tail dropper rigs have also been very effective, especially on the mid river sections between about County Line and River Bend. With the last ditch blazing heat we’re getting, the lower river will once again be inundated with inner tubers, so short of getting on at daybreak and being off by noon, you’re in for some “overly happy” company on the lower reaches today.
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HATCHES: caddis, PMDs, yellow sallies, hoppers and spruce moths – terrestrials in general
PATTERNS: golden stones in sizes 12 to 14. Attractor stuff in a size 8 or 10, elk hair or other caddis in a 12 or 14. Batman/ p-tail or red San Juan nymph rigs.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Rumor has it the hoot owl restrictions are due to be lifted next week. We’ll see if that holds true after this last blast of furnace type weather.