Streamer fishing and October caddis fishing has been picking up on the Blackfoot. We might see the last of the 70-degree weather for the year over the next week. For dries use October caddis, tricos, big PMDs, BWOs, elk hair caddis, hoppers, Chernobyls, Orange Stimulators, parachute adams, and purple hazes. For nymphs use Pat’s rubber legs, princes, double beaded stones, micro stones, beer head baetis, San Juan worms, October caddis pupae and batman nymphs. For streamers use big dark double bunnies, sculpzillas, mouthwashes, standard buggers, sparkle minnows and dark articulated patterns.
Weekend Fishing Tunes: Empire! Empire! (I Was a Lonely Estate), You Will Eventually Be Forgotten They’re a part of the recent “emo revival,” and they’re awesome. They’ll be playing a show at the ZACC on October 4th with four other great bands. You won’t want to miss it.
HATCHES: hecubas, hoppers, tricos, nocturnal stones, PMDs, october caddis, BWOs, etc. PATTERNS: Parachute adams, elk hair caddis, morris hopper, Copper Johns, Psycho Prince, Red or pink San Jaun worms in tandem with size 12 or 14 squirrel tail nymphs. Sculpzilla streamers, JJ’s specials, Prince nymphs, girdle bugs. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: You know we’ll refill your Kingfisher-label gink bottles for a buck, don’tcha? For more info on the Winston Nexus Fly Rod |