As one of our coldest rivers in the area, winter is really not a great season for the Blackfoot. It’s possible to get the occasional midge day, and if the ice clears, maybe some deep nymphing, but otherwise it’s just not a good option.
Weekend Fishing Tunes: Sigur Rõs, ( ) Beautiful album from a beautiful band. Good to start the long winter. Find it on iTunes.
HATCHES: slush ice, bank ice, rock ice, midges PATTERNS: Streamers, Copper Johns, Psycho Prince, Red or pink San Jaun worms in tandem with size 12 or 14 squirrel tail nymphs. Sculpzilla streamers, JJ’s specials, Prince nymphs, girdle bugs. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: You know we’ll refill your Kingfisher-label gink bottles for a buck, don’tcha? For more info on the Winston Nexus Fly Rod |