Well, The Blackfoot has definitely taken off with the rain and warm weather we’ve been having. The flow has jumped from 1000 cfs to over 3000 cfs in just a few days. You’re better off giving this beast a few days to even out, but if you’re so inclined, Streamers will be your best bet in these conditions. Usually the fish will move towards the banks in these conditions, so keep your junk close to the shoreline for your best chance. For streamer the two tone crystal buggers have been working well along with double gangas, dalai lamas, Dungeons, and Butte rats. This push of water was mostly from rain so it should swing back into shape just as fast as it rose.
HATCHES: midges
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: You know we’ll refill your Kingfisher-label gink bottles for a buck, don’tcha?
A Review of the Winston Fly Rod
For more info on the Winston Nexus Fly Rod |