Beginning in April, once a week we will post a brief description of a rig we saw during the previous week that had one of our Kingfisher stickers on the window. When you recognize it as being your car described in our hatch report, stop into the shop and pick out 2 dozen nymphs or dries on us!!The Blackfoot is waking up slowly but surely. With the water temps looming up to where the fish are actually moving around and eating, you’ll be well suited to throw a couple bugs up here today. The small window of top water action mid day has started around 1pm. Small parachute adams in a size 16 or 18 has been working well for the midges. Your standard midge patterns will also work mid day if the parachute isn’t your style. The rest of the day you’ll half to go sub surface with nymphs or streamers. Egg patterns, San Juan worms, big black or olive stone flies and pheasant tails have been working best underneath. If you’re looking for that goliath brown to scratch that itch before high water truly kicks off, a big dalai lama or sculpzilla fished tight to the bank would be deadly. HATCHES: Midges, capnias, |