The Blackfoot Stabilized with the colder weather and little bit of rain and snow we had. The flow is still at 2200cfs at the bottom and should stay around there for the next couple days. Today’s warmer weather should release a minor push of water, but nothing noteworthy. With the following cooler weather it should clear up quick, until it gets nice out again next weekend. Skwalas and March browns are still your main bugs on top which you should start seeing come off around noon. For The March Browns use your standard parachute adams, Parachute pheasant tails,Gt emergers and foam drake extended bodies. For skwalas, they still seam to be preferring the low riding top water patterns best with flush floaters, Gould’s half downs, Carnage skwalas, and Rogue skwalas. For the morning while things warm up, Use tandem nymph rigs with pheasant tails, hares ears, double beaded stones, egg patterns, and San Juan worms. Streamers have been turning some big fish too with double gangas, Dalai Lamas, sparkle buggers, and double bunnies. Depth has been critical for the subsurface fishing, so make sure you have your rigs down deep with the fish.
HATCHES: Midges, a smattering of smug Heptageniidae and bodacious baetidae
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: You know we’ll refill your Kingfisher-label gink bottles for a buck, don’tcha?
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