Beginning in April, once a week we will post a brief description of a rig we saw during the previous week that had one of our Kingfisher stickers on the window. When you recognize it as being your car described in our hatch report, stop into the shop and pick out 2 dozen nymphs or dries on us!!
The Blackfoot’s flow at Bonner is sitting around 2400 cfs and seems to be stabilizing. The water clarity is still off and running high, so you can expect the vast majority of your fishing to be tight to the banks. Your best fishing is going to be with tandem nymph rigs. Pheasant tails, Pat’s rubber legs, fast water princes, regular princes, flashback copper johns, San Juan worms and micro stones are all good bets underneath. In the way of streamers, big heavy dark colored articulated patterns fished right off the banks are an excellent choice. If you see any top water action today, throwing a size 16 purple haze or rogue skwala should be your best decision. You can expect to see that start around mid-afternoon to 1 pm, if at all today. Browns Lake is iced off, open and fishing well. However, the private land owners surrounding Browns Lake are now enforcing their NO trespass rights. All the bank fishing with the exception of the public land at the south and east sides of the lake is now closed to walking. We have provided a map showing the property lines and places to legally access the lake. The boundaries highlighted with green are open to the public. HATCHES: Midges, capnias, |