The reports from the Blackfoot these last few days have been pretty good. The warmer weather has had little effect on the flows since most of our mid elevation snow is already gone and the water color is that emerald green everyone loves. The bugs are definitely out now with Grey drakes and March browns. The skwalas are still popping, but are definitely on the tail end of the hatch. The streamer action has also been very noteworthy with Dalai lamas, Flash minnows, Sparkle minnows, and anything big dark and articulated. For the drakes and March browns use a big parachute adams, purple haze, GT emergers, foam extended bodies, parachute pheasant tails, and Purple cripples. For the skwalas, flush floaters and Gould’s half downs have been getting it done on top. It’s been a little cold in the mornings so Tandem nymph rigs will be your best bet until it warms up. pheasant tails, hares ears, double beaded stones, egg patterns, Pat’s rubber legs, micro stones, prince nymphs, and San Juan worms will all be good bets.
HATCHES: Midges, a smattering of smug Heptageniidae and bodacious baetidae
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: You know we’ll refill your Kingfisher-label gink bottles for a buck, don’tcha?
A Review of the Winston Fly Rod
For more info on the Winston Nexus Fly Rod |