Beginning in April, once a week we will post a brief description of a rig we saw during the previous week that had one of our Kingfisher stickers on the window. When you recognize it as being your car described in our hatch report, stop into the shop and pick out 2 dozen nymphs or dries on us!!
The Blackfoot has seen a really nice drop in flows this week. At 7000cfs, it’s still high, and still above average for this time of year, but it could produce some fish for you this weekend, especially on the upper stretches. If you can find some spots where clear water is flowing in, you should have some good luck. Stick with nymphs and streamers, and keep your rigs tight to the banks. For streamers use super buggers, sculpzillas, double bunnies, big articulated junk and yellow yummys. For nymphs use big double beaded stones, Pat’s rubber legs, San Juan worms and fast water prince nymphs. Weekend Fishing Tunes: The Shouting Matches, Grownass Man Awesome Blues. Find them on iTunes or Spotify. PATTERNS: Red or pink San Jaun worms in tandem with size 12 or 14 squirrel tail nymphs. Size 16 or 18 para mayfly stuff ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: You know we’ll refill your Kingfisher label gink bottles for a buck, don’tcha? New Simms fall product will be arriving in July get a sneak peak here For more info on the Kinetic Jacket Click Here |