The Entire Blackfoot is open all day long, All the tributaries close at 2pm. Now that it’s almost September, we can start talking about the fall streamer fishing on the Blackfoot, which can be really good. Along with good streamer action, the dry fly fishing (mayflies and such, smaller bugs than in the summer) can keep you entertained. For dries use tricos, big PMDs, BWOs, elk hair caddis, hoppers, Chernobyls, Stimulators, half downs, bullet heads, parachute adams, and purple hazes. For nymphs use Pat’s rubber legs, princes, double beaded stones, micro stones, beer head baetis, San Juan worms and batman nymphs. For streamers use big dark double bunnies, sculpzillas, mouthwashes, standard buggers, sparkle minnows and dark articulated patterns
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: You know we’ll refill your Kingfisher-label gink bottles for a buck, don’tcha?
A Review of the Winston Fly RodFor more info on the Winston Nexus Fly Rod |