Clark Fork – Tenkara & Morrels
Took my son Leo down to the Clark fork for his first experience with a Tenkara Rod. For those of you that haven’t fished one, they are a GREAT way to introduce a kid to fly fishing. They load with ease and you have no line to mess with. They also teach a young angler…
Crocodile Bay Costa Rica – Sailfishing
During the second week of March a friend and I fished for sail fish off the coast of Costa Rica. The days started with a sumptuous breakfast of a mix of fresh tropical fruit, traditional Costa Rician rice and beans or all American bacon and eggs. The boats were ready to go…
Rock Creek Hog
Who says there aren’t any big fish in Rock Creek???
Little fish porn from the Weekend
Kingfisher guide Mark Slayden took long – time Kingfisher clients Tyler and Geoff Rath on the Bitterroot and Clark Fork this weekend. We figure this is year 15 for the Raths. We remember when Tyler was about as big as the fish he’s holding! Thanks a bunch guys
Winters Hope Fly Fishers
Mike and the guys at WHFF are going to be posting some fishing reports here through the season. They run trips on the Situk and Akwe rivers out side of Yakutat Alaska. Check out their website —————————————————————————————————————————————– Here is their latest write up: Its the end of March all ready, WOW how time flies. It is shaping up…
The Kingfisher has a new fish head
Brandon Smith – stop by and welcome him to the Kingfisher – turns out he is a fair to middlin’ photographer as well! You can expect to see more of his stuff as the year goes on .
Even a fishing guide gets lucky now and then
Check out this amazing photo that Kingfisher guide Andy Roy took up on Rock Creek this weekend.
CF Design Fly Boxes 30% off
We are closing out C&F Fly boxes all current inventory 30% off while supplies last.
New Fishpond Stuff
Getting more preseasons every day. Just got another shipment of Fishpond stuff. The new waterproof Westwater gear is killer and we have it all in stock. Stop by and fondle in person or check it out on the web
Montana Fly Co. Boxes are in the House
Considering how much you have tied up in flies you should look at these as an investment – a safety deposit box for you flies as it were. Got a full stock come check them out here at the shop or on-line