Clark Fork Fishing Report – 9/5
We’ve had boats going out to both ends of the Clark Fork the last week or so, and it’s all been good. Streamers on the upper end, dry fly heaven on the lower end. For dries, use elk hair and Goddard caddis in the evening, tricos, mayfly duns and cripples, PMDs and PEDs, attractor…
Rock Creek Fishing Report – 9/5
We’ve had to throw on a couple extra layers these last few mornings. We’re into fall fishing now, and the streamer-heads are getting excited, as are the mayfly fanatics. For dry flies, use chubby Chernobyls, stimi chew toys, PMDs, BWOs, bullet head stones, half downs, parachute adams, brindle chutes, purple hazes, elk hair caddis,…
Bitteroot Fishing Report – 9/5
The Hecuba mayfly is out and about on the Bitterroot. It’s been good since this recent shift in weather, but don’t forget your rain shell. For dries, use large parachute adams, PMDs, Small baetis, purple hazes, tricos, drakes, caddis, Golden stones, hoppers, and other attractor patterns. For nymphs, use pheasant tails, caddis pupae, mayflies, small…
Blackfoot Fishing Report – 9/5
This time of year, people are all worked up about hunting, so it can be a little easier to find yourself alone on the water. The streamer fishing on the Blackfoot is starting to get hot. For dries use tricos, big PMDs, BWOs, elk hair caddis, hoppers, Chernobyls, pheasant tail parachutes, half downs, flying…
Rock Creek Fishing Report – 9/2
With the smoke gone and the mild rain storms we’ve been having, the fishing has really picked up. The water temps are staying in the low 60s and the flows are giving some historically good wade fishing access. It’s everything you can expect as fall gets closer. The morning fishing has been great with…
Bitteroot Fishing Report – 9/2
With the smoke gone and the temperatures dropping, the Bitterroot has really turned the corner. Hecubas, Tricos, PMDs, and BWOs have all been coming off in the mornings and with the weather on tap for today, it’s looking more like an all day affair. Bring some parachute PMDs, parachute adams, BWO sparkle duns, purple…
Blackfoot Fishing Report – 9/2
Now that it’s September, we can start talking about the fall streamer fishing on the Blackfoot, which can be really good. Along with good streamer action, the dry fly fishing (mayflies and such, smaller bugs than in the summer) can keep you entertained. For dries use tricos, big PMDs, BWOs, elk hair caddis,…
Clark Fork Fishing Report – 9/2
The considerably cooler water temps on the Clark have improved the consistency of the fishing pretty dramatically. Tricos are still the name of the game early in the day, but the midday fishing is much improved under the clouds and even in the sunny breaks between cloud cover. Fishing small soft hackles or sparse midge…
Clark Fork Fishing Report – 8/31
The fishing pretty much from Kelly Island all the way down to St. Regis has been very good recently. Lots of fish working the early morning tricos and late morning spinner falls. As the tricos fade, the hopper fishing has been the way to go. Spruce moths with LOTS of action have been better lower…
Blackfoot Fishing Report – 8/31
With the Blackfoot leveled out, it’s ripe for some great fishing (not that it hasn’t been great). The spruce moths have faded, but the hopper fishing is still quite good. For dries use tricos, big PMDs, BWOs, elk hair caddis, hoppers, Chernobyls, Stimulators, half downs, rocky mountain mints, parachute adams, and purple hazes. For nymphs…