Rock Creek Fishing Report – 4/7
Rock Creek’s flows are bumping up around 444 cfs and will continue to jump up with the weather ahead. The weather for the next couple days is supposed to be pretty nice so expect to see some skwalas and march browns hatching. For skwalas use widow wings, half downs, royal cubbies, and bullet…
Bitteroot Fishing Report – 4/7
The flows on the Bitterroot today are hanging around 2320 cfs here in town and the clarity is still pretty decent despite the bump in flows. More warm weather on the way so expect the Bitteroot to continue to climb. When the river comes up, the fish get pushed to the banks so pounding…
Blackfoot Fishing Report – 4/5
Browns lake is iced off! The Clarity on the Blackfoot is a little off, but the flows are low enough to make it worth your while, despite the bump from the warmer weather. The top water action is coming off pretty decently. You should get a window starting a little after 1 o’clock pm. …
Clark Fork Fishing Report – 4/5
The flows on the Clark Fork have started taking off after the push of water we had the last couple of days. The clarity is a little off, but the fishing will be decent. There has been more insect action mid-day on top, and the fish are starting to look up for them. The…
Bitteroot Fishing Report – 4/5
The flows on the Bitterroot today are hanging around 1800 cfs here in town, and the clarity is still pretty decent spite the bump in flows. The best dry fly fishing has been rocking around 1pm so be ready with your Skwalas and March Browns. As far as what the fish have been keying…
Rock Creek Fishing Report – 4/5
Ice is off Browns Lake! Rock Creek is waking up, and the fishing is improving every day. Just like all the other rivers, Rock creek saw a bump in flow from the warmth we got the last couple of days. The fishing on the upper sections has been the best but the lower sections…
Rock Creek Fishing Report – 4/2
Ice is off Browns Lake! Rock Creek’s flows are hanging around 250 and will continue to see slight bumps and drops as the spring weather commences with decent clarity. The weather for the next couple days is supposed to be pretty decent so expect to see some skwalas and march browns hatching. For the…
Blackfoot Fishing Report – 4/2
Browns lake is iced off! The flows are sitting around 965cfs and will continue to bump and drop with the spring weather forecast this coming week. The clarity is definitely improving along with the bug activity. Reports of March Browns and skwalas have been reported up here so be ready with some dries. Use…
Bitteroot Fishing Report – 4/2
We are starting to see more and more bugs every day. The baetis hatch has been coming off in a big way. You can find fish chowing baetis and midges in back eddies and tail-outs. Fish a foam emerger, smoke jumper baetis, or a thorax BWO. Fishing sqwalas tight to the banks has been a…
Clark Fork Fishing Report – 4/2
The Clark Fork is really starting to fish well, both upper and lower. Fish are starting to move around, getting ready to spawn. Skwalas, march browns, and baetis have been hatching around mid-day. For skwalas try a flush floater, widow wings, half-down, or a rogue stone. Fish a dry-dropper rig until you find fish…