Blackfoot River Fishing Report – 9/14
Morning trico fishing on the Blackfoot has been REALLY good. Things are shutting down a little bit, at least on top, during the primary daylight hours, but will kick back into gear during the evenings. For dries use tricos, big PMDs, BWOs, elk hair caddis, hoppers, Chernobyls, Stimulators, half downs, bullet heads, parachute…
Rock Creek Fishing Report – 9/10
With fall slowly approaching the fishing conditions are changing rapidly. From the lower flows (which give wade fisherman excellent access) to the cold mornings to the hot mid days, Things are a little funky. The morning baetis fishing has held strong but mid days can be a little tricky. Use a hopper dropper to…
Clark Fork River Fishing Report – 9/10
The evening fishing on the Clarkfork has been particularly noteworthy with excellent caddis and mayfly hatches. The mid day fishing has been a little spotty but hopper dropper rigs, tandem nymph rigs and streamers have all been good bets. Mornings have also had great mayfly hatches but the evenings are definitely where its at…
Blackfoot River Fishing Report – 9/10
The dry fly fishing has been a little spotty with the funky weather conditions as we make the transition into fall. Morning and evening baetis fishing has been decent but mid day has been a little slow with most anglers switching to double nymph rigs. The hoppers are still jumping when the day…
Bitterroot Fishing Report – 9/10
Oh man, the fishing is holding strong with the funky temp and weather differences as fall approaches. Hoppers are still bouncing around in good numbers when the day warms up and the October caddis are just starting to make an appearance, just not in huge numbers yet. The Fall Baetis can be expected…
Blackfoot River Fishing Report – 9/6
Streamers! Streamers! Streamers! The Fish are definitely chasing the meat now that it’s cooled down a bit. The smoke is totally gone from the rain and the flows are extremely wadeable right now. For streamers toss big heavy articulated junk like dalai lamas and dungeons. Big sculpin patterns and double bunnies are excellent…
Clark Fork River Fishing Report – 9/6
The Clark Fork Has been cooling off big time and the weeds are breaking up. The water levels are still pretty low but the smoke is gone and fall is here! And so are the bugs now. The streamer fishing has really picked up from the bottom to the upper reaches in a big…
Bitterroot Fishing Report – 9/6
The Bitterroot has been fishing extremely well with the weather we’ve been having. The rain has really made a difference with the fires and the drop in temps has gotten the fish and bugs into fall mode. We’re seeing lots of Hecubas, BWOs, PMDs, and Mahoganies. Expect to see them in the mornings…
Rock Creek Fishing Report – 9/6
It’s been pretty chilly in the mornings and feeling very much like fall. The Mayflies have been coming off in really good numbers with the weather we’ve been having and the fishing has been excellent. For Dries, BWOs, PMDs, hecubas, mahoganies, hoppers, ants, beetles, and caddis in the evening. If you’re having any trouble…
Mayfly Smorgasbord on the Clarkfork 9-3-2015
Cloudy rainy day in September – seemed like a great reason for a kid to get out of school early. Tricos, Baetis, Mohaganies and the occasional Hecuba – Fishing was out of hand Leo Potter educating Clarkfork Fatties – this beats school every time.