Bitterroot Fishing Report – 6/10
The Bitterroot has stabilized pretty well and is holding a flow around 6000 cfs. It’s still pretty off color and high, but the fishing is shaping up as the conditions continue to stabilize with the oncoming summer weather. There has been a multitude of bugs hatching with Golden stones, yellow sallies, caddis, PMDs, and…
Blackfoot River Fishing Report – 6/10
The Blackfoot is plummeting quick with the warmer weather and mild run off we had. With the peak of high water over, and the water conditions getting nothing but better, The dry fly fishing has really taken off. Salmon flies have started hatching in good numbers along with golden stones, Yellow Sallies, PMDs, Baetis, And…
Rock Creek Fishing Report – 6/10
With High water being over and Rock Creek’s flows dropping quick, if you’re looking to float you better make it soon, before it gets too boney. The Salmon flies have pretty much run their course, but all the other summer bugs have shown up in spades. PMDs, yellow sallies, Golden stones, Baetis, and caddis…
Clark Fork River Fishing Report – 6/10
The Clark Fork is still dropping but will take a little bit longer than our other rivers to clear up. The bottom end is flowing a little above 10000cfs with marginal but improving clarity. It’s getting to be standard summer fare now, with attractor dries and dry/dropper rigs working really well, along with PMDs,…
Clark Fork River Fishing Report – 6/6
The Clark fork is on the drop again and is down to 12000 cfs below town. It’s high and off color, and needs to stabilize before it really starts to fish again. Streamers and nymphs tight to the banks are your best bet right now. For streamers, sculpzillas, mouthwashes, krelix minnows, sparkle minnows, and…
Blackfoot River Fishing Report – 6/6
The Blackfoot has made a pretty serious drop through the week but is still very muddy. The fishing up here will be limited to nymphs and streamers until the conditions start to stabilize. For nymphs chuck some big pat’s rubber legs, black or olive double beaded stones, prince nymphs, batman nymphs, psycho princes, San Juan…
Rock Creek Fishing Report – 6/6
rock creeks flows are slowly dropping despite the weather. We’ll half to wait and see what this 80-90 degree weather does to the flows, but I’m guessing nothing like we’ve seen in the past as far as being short lived. The salmon flies are in full swing at this point and mostly concentrated to…
Bitterroot Fishing Report – 6/6
The Bitterroot is dropping like a stone. The water level is dropping so fast it’s displacing the fish and making the fishing pretty spotty. You’re better off letting this one stabilize a little before you hit it up again. If you can’t help yourself and need to get out, bring some nymphs and streamers…
Bitterroot Fishing Report – 6/2
The Bitterroot is hopping up and down with the rise and fall of daily temps. The flow at Missoula is bumping around 7000cfs with poor clarity. The main channel is not fishing that great, but the back and side channels along with the mouths of tributaries have been doable but not great options. Streamers and…
Blackfoot River Fishing Report – 6/2
The Blackfoot has started climbing up in flows again. The clarity is just starting to milk up, but is still decent as far as fishing goes. The flows has climbed up to 3400cfs and should continue to climb with the summer weather. Streamers and tandem nymph rigs will be the name of the game right…