This is still the river we’re keeping the closest watch on since there is the potential for some of the best fishing of the year happening here in the next few days. The wind forecast for the lower river looks considerably more inviting than the Missoula predictions and makes the lower river VERY attractive today. Cloud cover? Light rain? Little wind? Yeah, that’s a shame! We anticipate the sunny and warmer days on tap to get the typical “just before runoff” skwala madness in full gear over the next few days, but today could be its own brand of happy. March browns and blue wings in the overcast conditions can be magic on the lower river. Conditions are nearly ideal, too, for pulling black, brown or olive buggers off the shallower (and sometimes deeper) banks. Brown rubberlegs, BIG prince nymphs and red San Juans should all be effective under an indicator. The Clark is worth considering today for sure!
1/2 OFF Fridays. 50% Off your 1st dozen nymphs and dries! Every Friday – Every Week
HATCHES: Skwalas, March browns, caddis, baetis, nemouras.
FLIES: Big button emergers or parachute patterns for the March browns, standard skwala junk with 18″ droppers. Big prince nymphs, Peacock double beads, Griffith’s gnats and zebra midges on sunny days, slow moving crystal buggers or bunny junk in #8s that’re black, olive or rust, double dutch skwala, size 18 adams or purple haze.
Other Info: Buy a bottle of Kingfisher brand fly floatant and we’ll refill it for you for 1 measly dollar all year long!