Clark Fork report – 5/6



The uppermost river looks to be your only real solid Clark Fork option for a day float.  The mid and lower rivers are going to be on the rise all day long.  Wading these lower stretches for the first 1/2 of the day may be viable, but the water’s getting ready to let loose.  Look for oversized mayfly dries such as #10 para Adams and the like to get the attention of the fish in today’s sunny and rising water conditions.  The evening caddis should be an option in the nearly windless afternoon.  Skwalas should make an appearance heat of the day as well and could motivate fish on the lower river even in rising water . .for a day maybe.  Goldens stones and tarantulas fished tight to the banks will be a decent bet too.  Keep your streamers small, more refined and lighter in color in the  sunny conditions today.

1/2 OFF Fridays.  50% Off your 1st dozen nymphs and dries!  Every Friday – Every Week


HATCHES: Skwalas, March browns, caddis, baetis, nemouras.


FLIES: Big button emergers or parachute patterns for the March browns, standard skwala junk with 18″ droppers. Big prince nymphs, Peacock double beads, Griffith’s gnats and zebra midges on sunny days, slow moving crystal buggers or bunny junk in #8s that’re black, olive or rust, double dutch skwala, size 18 adams or purple haze.


Other Info: Buy a bottle of Kingfisher brand fly floatant and we’ll refill it for you for 1 measly dollar all year long!