Wind is your biggest issue on the Clark right now. Not only does the east to west corridor of this river create a wind tunnel, the fish here are WAY more put off by wind then they are on other local rivers. If you do decide to fish here today, you’ll likely be better off WAY up high rather than Missoula downstream. If there’s any kind of calm, it’ll be a March brown deal in the afternoon but streamers and nymph rigs will more consistent for you put on ’till take off.
HATCHES: Skwalas, March browns, caddis, baetis, nemouras.
FLIES: Big button emergers or parachute patterns for the March browns, standard skwala junk with 18″ droppers. Big prince nymphs, Peacock double beads, Griffith’s gnats and zebra midges on sunny days, slow moving crystal buggers or bunny junk in #8s that’re black, olive or rust, double dutch skwala, size 18 adams or purple haze
Other Info: You will NEVER be oversold at The Kingfisher.