Missoula’s 18th Annual Women’s Fly Fishing Clinic



Missoula’s 18th Annual Womens’ Fly Fishing Clinic

This Clinic is all-encompassing and good for first time and beginner fly fishers alike. Students will acquire the ability to assess and adjust their own casts in the first hour. In addition to practicing fishing techniques on water, participants will learn about stream and lake entomology, reading water and tying essential knots. Another key component of the clinic is the teaching about the differences in equipment, dispelling myths and revealing how to find best values available. Combine all that with practice playing, landing and releasing fish and the clinic puts students in a great position to begin a lifelong journey of enjoyable days on the water.

Saturday, June 23th from 10am to 3pm ~ East side of Frenchtown Pond
Cost: $150 (lunch and gear are provided)

The funds raised in this event directly benefit the recipients of Montana Natural History Center’s youth camp scholarships.
Enter to win something awesome. Past raffle items have included Winston Rods, Simms waders for women and a Sage “Grace” rod, reel, line and case.  Raffle tickets are available at the clinic.



You can register at the Kingfisher Fly Shop or On-line










