Oh yeah, this is definitely it. I LOVE this river!! Very good fishing on the Mo right now regardless of your preferred method. Streamers, nymphs and dries are all taking good numbers of big fish. The baetis are in full swing and by mid afternoon, it’s dry fly heaven. For those of us that would rather pull depth charges on a 3 dimensional plane, the streamer action has been red hot. Big fish moving to bunnies and buggers in flats, backwaters, riffles . . . . The nymphs are still the king for easy massive numbers and the standard suspects like pink Ray Charles, RS2s, beerheads, lightening bugs, gray scuds are no brainers. Rain or shine, this river will likely treat you right.
1/2 OFF Fridays. 50% Off your 1st dozen nymphs and dries! Every Friday – Every Week
FLIES:comparaduns, standard para Adams in a 16-20, dark colored streamers, soft hackles, the traditional bevvy of tailwater nymphs including zebras, rs2s, beerheads, lighting bugs, scuds, red San Juans . . .
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: This is fall fishing!