Missouri report – 5/3

Missoula Guided Fly Fishing


Mostly cloudy skies with widely scattered shows, a high of 55 and almost no wind?!!  Are you KIDDING ME!!??  RUN don’t walk to the Mo because this is about as good as it gets over here conditions wise.  This is brown bugger/crawdad Nirvana!!  Yeah, it’s pretty good stuff for you dry fly enthusiasts too! Pretty sure you may hook up under an indicator once or twice as well!  Look for the standard nymph fare to tear ’em up over here as well as a variety of dries including baetis, midges and March browns. (we’ve been doing well on skwala/stonefly patterns).  The streamer action should also be an option for you with smaller, rusty colored bugger stuff.

1/2 OFF Fridays.  50% Off your 1st dozen nymphs and dries!  Every Friday – Every Week

FLIES: Griffith’s gnats 16-20, Midge patterns in the afternoon, baetis parachutes, March brown button emergers and Lawson/Quigly cripples.  Skwala/dropper rigs lower on the river, lightening bugs, RS2, p-tails, scuds, and streamers in muted colors.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The Mo is one of our favorite streamer rivers on the planet!