Missouri report – 5/4


Well, guess that was your break in the wind.  More blowing on the way today although from the sound of it, it’ll be no worse than here in Missoula.   Look for the standard nymph fare to work really well over here as well as a variety of dries including baetis, midges and March browns. The streamer action should also be a good  option in the drizzly, cloudy weather.  Go with smaller, darker bodied and rusty colored bugger stuff.  The flow Below Holter is the same as yesterday at 4180 cfs.

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FLIES: Griffith’s gnats 16-20, zebras, baetis parachutes, March brown button emergers and Lawson/Quigly cripples.  Skwala/dropper rigs lower on the river, lightening bugs, RS2, p-tails, scuds, and streamers in muted colors.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The Mo is one of our favorite streamer rivers on the planet!