Missouri Report – 6/1

DSCN1754 Morning and later afternoon/evening will be your best dryfly action in today’s bright sun.  We expect the streamer action to be slowed down a bit too, but the deep indicator nymph rigs should pound the fatties all day long.  There will always be pods of fish rising here and there and basic dries like cripples or parachutes in about a size 16 or 18 should get them to play.  It won’t hurt to fish these mayfly dries in tandem with a small caddis dry too.  The standard tailwater/Missouri fare in terms of nymphs is really all you’ll need.  Red and pink are always good bets as is green or gray.  Scuds, RS2s, beerhead baetis, lightning bugs, etc . .   The fishing over here is off the charts good these days and water temps are damn near perfect in the low 50s.

1/2 OFF Fridays.  50% Off your 1st dozen nymphs and dries!  Every Friday – Every Week


FLIES: Griffith’s gnats 16-20, zebras, baetis parachutes,  button emergers and Lawson/Quigly cripples.  attractor/dropper rigs lower on the river, lightening bugs, RS2, p-tails, scuds, and streamers in muted colors.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Stop in and check out our 50% off clearance sale on select fly lines and reels.  These deals won’t last.