Missouri Report – 6/21

L-5 Windy and rainy lately but today may be a better dryfly proposition with more calm conditions and less torrential down pours.  You’ll see bugs (mostly PMDs and caddis) and you’ll see fish taking there here and there and maybe more readily in today’s favorable conditions.  Tandem nymph rigs down deep under an indicator will almost certainly be your most effective approach again today. Conditions are ripe today for dark bodied and smaller (size 8) streamers.  Give ’em a shot with a nearly dead-drifted swing.  Lots of caddis and late in the day PMDs will draw the attention of the fatties as will smaller hopper/deep dropper rigs.   Once afternoon hits, plain old elk hairs with Lafontaine emergers or soft hackles for the end of drift swings will definitely wipe the smiles off their silly little slippery faces.

1/2 OFF Fridays.  50% Off your 1st dozen nymphs and dries!  Every Friday – Every Week


FLIES: Elk hairs, para and comparadun PMDS, standard para Adams in a 14-18, hoppers in a 10 or 12, brightly colored and sparsely tied streamers, soft hackles, the traditional bevvy of tailwater nymphs including zebras, rs2s, beerheads, lighting bugs, scuds . . .

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Looking for the newest Sage rods?  Stop into The Kingfisher, the only shop in town authorized to carry the brand!