Missouri Report – 8/12

L-4The flow below Holter this morning is 3060.  It’s trico central over here in the mornings with decent fishing pretty much all day if you can weather the slower action of the afternoons.  A slowdown may not be the case in today’s cloud cover, however, since the lack of direct sunlight will likely keep the fatties looking up throughout the day.  Our best afternoon bug has been a flying ant pattern – by far.  They’ll eat hoppers, ants, crickets and still some caddis, but flying ants are happy, happy. Fishing subsurface with anything is tough these days due to stationary and drifting algae but find a “clear run” and you’ll be golden (except for the drifting crap).

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FLIES: Elk hairs, para and comparadun PMDS, standard para Adams in a 14-18, hoppers in a 10 or 12, brightly colored and sparsely tied streamers, soft hackles, the traditional bevvy of tailwater nymphs including zebras, rs2s, beerheads, lighting bugs, scuds . . .

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The big goal on the Mo right now is staying algae free.  Hard to to with nearly all offerings at this point.