Missouri Report – 8/29

S-7Nothing new to report really.  More or less the end of summer doldrums.  It’s very much a morning thing over here these days with occasional fishing taking midday.  The evening wakes up again a bit more but we’re really needing a cool down. Tricos and caddis will be your best bets early and targeted, quiet and DRAG-FREE drifts are the key!  The fatties will begin looking for hoppers early in the day too and fishing these can be the saving grace if your casts aren’t as stealthy as you’d like them to be yet.  A little noise with hoppers never hurts!  Midday our best bug continues to be flying ants and any purple kind of attractor thing/hopper. In the evenings, caddis and slow moving streamers in darker colors have been taking fish for us.

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FLIES: Elk hairs, para and comparadun tricos, standard para Adams in a 14-18, hoppers in a 10 or 12, dull colored and sparsely tied streamers, soft hackles, the traditional bevvy of tailwater nymphs including zebras, rs2s, beerheads, lighting bugs, scuds . . .

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Lots more elbow room over here these days.