Missouri Report – 9/3

S-7Looks like it will be a good day over here to make sure you’re not the highest point in your general area today.  Frenetic waving of lightning targets will only get ya bent in unsavory ways.  On the flip side, the pre storm cloud cover should do good things for you.  Expect the nymphing to go off the charts in areas you can find protected from the algae.  Also look for the fatties to be MUCH more willing to rise to your silly purple hopper imitations.  The trico fun in the morning may be extended a bit in the cloud cover too.  Bring on the frost and the baetis, we’re ready!

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FLIES: Elk hairs, para and comparadun tricos, standard para Adams in a 14-18, hoppers in a 10 or 12, dull colored and sparsely tied streamers, soft hackles, the traditional bevvy of tailwater nymphs including zebras, rs2s, beerheads, lighting bugs, scuds . . .

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Lots more elbow room over here these days.