Cloud cover, not much wind to contend with and the algae is starting to dissipate as well, it’s looking good especially with the lower water and closures around Missoula. The nymphing over here has gotten to be less frustrating with the algae moving out and the clouds have the fish looking up during what was pretty much a midday slow down even a week or two ago. The tricos are still a good bet in the mornings but by midday, the fish will be on a variety of offerings from smaller, dark bodied streamers to dries like #18 royal Wulffs and purple hazes. We’re still having very good luck on hoppers, ants and bees. Once things cool down for real, it’ll be minutes away from baetis!
1/2 OFF Fridays. 50% Off your 1st dozen nymphs and dries! Every Friday – Every Week
FLIES: Elk hairs, para and comparadun tricos, standard para Adams in a 14-18, hoppers in a 10 or 12, dull colored and sparsely tied streamers, soft hackles, the traditional bevvy of tailwater nymphs including zebras, rs2s, beerheads, lighting bugs, scuds . . .
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Lots more elbow room over here these days.