However you fancy catching your trout, the Missouri is primed for it right about now. Dry fly fanatic? Baetis, caddis, BWOs and pseudos a-plenty. Bobber boy? Your nymphs and scuds will be right at home down deep. Sucker for the streamer? So are the fish right now, so fire away. For dry flies, use cripples, standard Adams parachutes, midge clusters, elk hair caddis, parachute baetis, baetis button emergers, and small flying ants. For subsurface, stick with sow bugs, czech nymphs, caddis pupae, scuds, small PTs, lightning bugs and micro mayflies.
Weekend Fishing Tunes: BOYS, Kamikaze Local dudes, awesome tunes. Check them out here: https://thoseboys.bandcamp.com/album/kamikaze-2
HATCHES: BWOs, baetis, caddis, pseudo anokas (tiny BWO), etc. FLIES: Tricos, beerheads, goddard caddis, CDC caddis, micro mayflies, wire worm.
A Review of the Winston Fly Rod For more info on the Winston Nexus Fly Rod |