The Missouri has been slowly dropping down to about 4000cfs, which is neither good nor bad as of yet, but if nothing else, it makes wade fishing increasingly more approachable. Dry fly fishing has been solid over here lately. There have been pods of fish on all stretches of the river eating BWOs and caddis. For dry flies, we’re looking at small purple hazes, standard Adams parachutes, midge clusters, elk hair caddis, parachute baetis, baetis button emergers and small flying ants. For subsurface, stick with sow bugs, czech nymphs, caddis pupae, scuds, small PTs and lightning bugs. Streamers have been working well too with dark bodied buggers and sculpin patterns.
Weekend Fishing Tunes: Weezer, Pinkerton They love soccer, and they love to rock. Gotta Give Cliff Outfoors some love as well – Great stuff make down in windy Wyoming For more info on the Cliff Outdoors Justin Case Click Here |