The Missouri flow chart looks like a randomly generated map from Pocket Tanks right now. It just can’t seem to hold a steady flow out of the dam, but it shouldn’t have too large of an impact on the fishing, especially if you’re in a boat. There are still many pods of rising fish river-wide, and even more willing to eat underneath the surface. For dry flies, we’re looking at PMD cripples, standard Adams parachutes, midge clusters, elk hair caddis, parachute baetis, baetis button emergers and small flying ants. For subsurface, stick with sow bugs, czech nymphs, caddis pupae, scuds, small PTs and lightning bugs. For streamers use black, olive or brown sculpzillas, woolhead sculpins, standard buggers and JJ’s specials. Weekend Fishing Tunes: Gary Clark Jr., Blak and Blu Awesome blues and R&B guitarist/singer out of Austin, TX. Also a childhood friend/neighbor of mine.
A Review of the Sage Accel Fly Rod For more info on the Sage Accel Fly Rod |