Some of the Missouri bruisers are starting to get a little picky. Small flies like tricos and baetis will do the trick. For those less discerning, hoppers and caddis will work, and the nymphing is picking up in a big way. For dry flies, use cripples, standard Adams parachutes, midge clusters, elk hair caddis, parachute baetis, baetis button emergers, small flying ants, and hoppers. For subsurface, stick with sow bugs, czech nymphs, caddis pupae, scuds, small PTs, lightning bugs and micro mayflies.
Weekend Fishing Tunes: Blueprint, 1988 My first rap show ever was on the tour for this album in Austin, TX at the legendary Emo’s (R.I.P.). Blueprint is the hardest-working MC in the business, underground or otherwise. Find this classic on iTunes. HATCHES: Tricos, hoppers, baetis, caddis, etc. FLIES: Tricos, beerheads, Joe’s Hopper, Rainey’s Hoppers, goddard caddis, CDC caddis, micro mayflies, wire worm, Morris Hoppers.
A Review of the Winston Fly Rod For more info on the Winston Nexus Fly Rod |