REPORTS: Today’s flow on the Mo below Holter is about 4140 cfs compared with 6640 on this day last year. Unfortunately it was warmer, rainy and almost no wind a year ago while today they’re calling for bright sun and high wind again . . all of a sudden! Looks like the “calmer” weekend they were predicting has given way to more believable predictions of wind, wind, wind. Combine that with bright sun and it means you’ll be doing most of your damage under an indicator or pulling streamers. Pink or red nymphs or baetis type junk with some flash is your best bet for nymphs. Smaller length and natural colors have been our best streamer medicine. |
FLIES: Griffith’s gnats 16-20, lighting bugs, RS2, p-tails, scuds, muted and small streamersADDITIONAL INFORMATION:
Once this front has settled in and the leading edge isn’t causing gale force winds, the fishing over here should be amazing!MISSOURI RIVER FLOW |