Missouri River Hatch Report – 4/12

img1REPORTS: The Mo is giving it up now although you’ll potentially be dealing with more wind over here than you will in the Missoula area. Midges, blue wings and, yes, some skwalas down lower on the river. The nymphing remains very good and has been for some time now. Stream fishing is picking up a bit too and our luck has been best with smaller, darker bodied bugger on slime lines tight to the banks. Pretty good morning and afternoon midging when the wind isn’t beating you with your own diaper!
HATCHES: midges
FLIES: Griffith’s gnats 16-20, lighting bugs, RS2, p-tails, scuds, muted and small streamersADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Once this front has settled in and the leading edge isn’t causing gale force winds, the fishing over here should be amazing!MISSOURI RIVER FLOW