New Fishpond Stuff
Getting more preseasons every day. Just got another shipment of Fishpond stuff. The new waterproof Westwater gear is killer and we have it all in stock. Stop by and fondle in person or check it out on the web
Blackfoot – 3/21
The Blackfoot has been running about 200 cfs above historical averages on the lower end recently. The flow has stabilized over the past 5 days after a fairly sudden bump which had shut down the fishing to a large degree. Things are better now. Still a matter of getting on the bottom whether you’re fishing…
Rock Creek Report – 3/21
REPORTS: Rock Creek is beBopping around historical averages for stream flow these days the a current flow of 267 cfs. The entire creek is fishing pretty well although almost exclusively subsurface. You can smack a fatty here and there on top, but the surface victories are few and far between. Your best poison continues to…
Bitterroot River Report – 3/21
Oh yeah, happy happy! While the crowds seem to grow every year (it’s a long way from when we were guiding the ‘root in April and seeing NO other boats 20 years ago), the fish seem to be lining up to accommodate all the anglers. It’s a dryfly deal for sure. You may have to…
Clark Fork River Report – 3/21
REPORTS: It’s not far from doing its spring thing, but so far, it has been so so. The river is running more or less at historical average these days and for March, the fishing’s not too bad. On warmer days there has been some later afternoon dryfly activity, especially on the lower river around Superior.…
Missouri River Report – 3/21
REPORTS: Mostly nymphs doing the damage these days. Streamers aren’t bad either and on some days – a fish or two will eat a dry fly. Pink or red nymphs are king. Scuds, Ray Charles and tiny egg patterns in pink. There are some midges flying around on a day to day basis and on…
Montana Fly Co. Boxes are in the House
Considering how much you have tied up in flies you should look at these as an investment – a safety deposit box for you flies as it were. Got a full stock come check them out here at the shop or on-line
Little After Taste Of Winter
4 inches of fresh snow and 10 degrees up the 9-mile at 7:30 this morning – don’t know about you guys but, we are done with it – bring on the sun
No Pebble Mine event in Missoula (March 25)
One Night Only – Missoula Supports Campaign to Protect Bristol Bay, Alaska Join some of Missoula’s finest sporting businesses and groups and come out to support the effort to protect the world’s most productive wild salmon fishery and one of the planet’s premier sport fishing and hunting destinations. This is a social event, not…
Bitterroot Fish Porn
Kingfisher Guide Andy Roy – sent us some pics he took while playing with a new camera. Get out there the Skwala nymphs are moving and we are starting to see some adults.