Rock Creek Fishing Report – 6/7

Dry Fly Fishing - Missoula Montana

Bitterroot Fishing Report - 4/21Beginning in April, once a week we will post a brief description of a rig we saw during the previous week that had one of our Kingfisher stickers on the window. When you recognize it as being your car described in our hatch report, stop into the shop and pick out 2 dozen nymphs or dries on us!


Like most of the rivers in the area, Rock Creek is doing a daily yo-yo game with the flows, but it’s below 3000cfs now, so fish can definitely be caught. Salmonflies are flying around the lower end pretty well. Big orange dry flies are what you need, but fish have also been eating BWOs as well. Stimulators, Sofa Pillows, Rogue salmon flies and bullet heads will all work for the giant salmon flies. For the BWOs, use small olive parachute adams and button emergers for your best luck. If you’re not getting hooked up on dries, go subsurface with big heavy stonefly nymphs. Big Pat’s rubber legs, double beaded stones and bitch creeks are all good bets.


Weekend Fishing Tunes: The Shouting Matches, Grownass Man

Awesome Blues. Find them on iTunes or Spotify.

If you own an iPad 1 or 2, we have 6 MFC original iPad covers to give away. The first people through the door get ’em!!! If you come in with a kingfisher tattoo on your forehead you can have two!!!