Water temps up here are definitely getting up to that happy level that inspires dryfly consistency. This morning’s water temp on the lower end is 46 degrees – almost swimming kinda balmy! The fishing on the creek these days is nothing short of exceptional. Parachute Adams, royal Wullfs, button emergers, elk hair caddis, skwalas, tandem nymph combos using about anything you want to throw on there and small streamers are ALL taking fish pretty much along the entire length of the creek. Cold air temps, blowing snow, rain, it doesn’t seem to matter. Rock Creek is a no brainer right now if you’re looking to start our your season right.
FLIES: A variety of caddis patterns in about a #12, comparaduns and cripples in 14s, March brown emergers, double beads, Brooke’s stones and big princes right off the bottom. Buggers both brown and black.
OTHER INFO: Yes, we have the Sage Elite flyrod in stock