Rock Creek Report – 3/31

KenBannersBT-044REPORTS: **We’re open 9 till noon today – HAPPY EASTER!** Like most of the area rivers, Rock Creek has clicked into “go mode” pretty suddenly. The consistency of the dryfly fishing over the past few days has gotten radically better as temps have warmed and bug activity has increased. While mostly a March Brown and caddis deal when fishing naturals, there are a few skwalas here and there to the point that even if you don’t see any, the fish are seeing enough of them to make the pattern relevant. Putting smaller mayfly droppers under whatever dry you fish will take extra fatties for sure. A #16 flashback p-tail or something similar is a good bet. The nymphing is heating up too now, in that you can expect most runs to give up fish once you figure out the recipe. The upper end is probably giving up a bit better dryfly action, but from about 1:30 until 4, the lower river is pretty good too.
FLIES:A variety of caddis patterns in about a #12, comparaduns and cripples in 14s, double beads, Brooks stones and big princes right off the bottom.
March 1st marked the beginning of our 17th year of business. Thank you Missoula for all the years of support!!MIDDLE FORK ROCK CREEK FLOW AT P-BURG ROCK CREEK FLOW AT CLINTON